On June 11, 2015, the Belgian Business Club in Hungary, aka “Belgabiz”, has been officially launched by Belgian state secretary for Foreign Trade, Pieter De Crem, and Hungarian vice minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Lászlo Szabó, in presence of the club’s members, government officials as well as Hungarian and international economic representatives.
Earlier that day, the founding General Assembly of the Belgian Business Club in Hungary was held, during which the chairman, Mr. Thomas Van Craen, and the management and supervisory board members were elected.
Belgabiz is founded based on the excellent bilateral trade and investment relations between Hungary and Belgium. In 2014, imports and exports increased over 11% to a value of € 1,31 billion (imports) and € 1, 93 billion (exports), generating a modest positive trade balance for Belgium. Belgium is therefore Hungary’s 16th most important trade partner and we do even better in investments, occupying the 10th place[1] in 2014.
The business club will aim to bring together Belgian and Hungarian businessmen together at several events such as networking drinks, workshops and other, thereby increasing and strengthening even further our bilateral ties.
Article in Diplomacy&Trade
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