Seminar Innovative Mobility
2019. 11. 21.
Seminar Innovative Mobility at K&H Auditorium
Today’s businesses are challenged on many levels to implement innovative transport
and mobility technologies and services in order to fulfill their customers’ needs.
The electric revolution in mobility and transport offers numerous possibilities
that are sometimes hard to keep up with.
After the program, a networking reception with buffet-dinner and great Belgian Gallica beer
took place for free exchange of ideas in a cozy ambiance.
Vígh Zoltán / Jedlik Ányos Hungarian E-mobility Klaszter
Zsótér Márton / KPMG
Jászay Tamás / ELMŰ-ÉMÁSZ, innogy Group
Jan Verbruggen and Michel De Bosschere / CenEnergy (Be)
Moderator: Firbás György